As a prelude to the formation of the current OHM NZ, in the year 2012, with the interest, effort, and support of a few members of the Malayali community, the commencement of the “Bhagavathi seva” pooja at the Papakura Ganesh temple happened. Few in numbers, they thought it is good to have an opportunity to meet, gather and practice some religious event together at this temple once a month.
Initially this was for the Malayalis and by the Malayalis on some day in a month, and eventually it became part and parcel of the temple’s main events and pooja calendar. Later, it became a monthly event conducted on the last Saturday of the month from 6.30 pm onwards. Usually, this Pooja and accompanying Lalitha Sahasranamam prayers goes until 8.30 pm or over. To encourage the devotees to remain participated in this pooja till the end, even if it is late, the concept of cooking and providing Mahaprasadam at temple started. After that , it became very normal to provide Mahaprasadam to devotees on the days of special poojas and events at temple. Currently the devotees themselves are sponsoring the cost of this mahaprasadam either as an offering or to celebrate their special days like wedding anniversaries, birthdays ,etc., with community members and their friends.
Now-a-days this pooja and prayer has become very popular among the South Indian and other Hindu communities, other than Malayalis. Also, a good number of our members and families are regularly attending this Pooja and is found to be an opportunity for all to mingle, meet and know each other from their community especially for those newcomers of our community. Even though it is known in public as OHM NZ Bhagavathi seva, OHM NZ is not involved in this in any way, and it is only being organised, conducted, and attended by OHM NZ members themselves. Those who wish to sponsor the Mahaprasadam or want to have some pooja at the temple, the cost is to be paid directly to the temple counter.
Normal Temple programme on that day is as follows:
6.00pm – Temple opens
6.15pm – Nithya pooja
6.35pm – Bhavathi seva pooja
7.00pm – Lalitha sahasra naamarchana etc
8.30pm – Mahadeeparadhana and after Mahaprasadam.