Community Support Fund

Very often we are approached by many individuals and community organisations for our support for someone who is terminally ill – towards their treatment costs or for repatriating the physical remains of someone back to their homeland or for family maintenance costs in calamities and pandemics like Covid.

Mostly the affected persons in these situations are recent immigrants to New Zealand who have not yet had the time to find a proper job or settle down, some may even be students.  Many a time with regret and a heavy heart we are compelled to turn away these requests owed to our inability to find funds within.

We aim to create, develop, and collect funds exclusively for this purpose. Any amount donated to this account will help us in offering immediate support to the needy in our community. We look forward to receiving some generous donations from the magnanimous and benevolent people of our society for this noble cause.

Enter the amount you wish to donate.